Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Sense of Peace & Renewal

Isn't Mother Nature amazing? Today was a glorious day with a warm,light breeze and blue skies.The little ones and I enjoyed a long walk and when we returned to the house I went back inside to get the kids some juice...then out of the corner of my eye I saw something colorful...I turned my head to the right & there it was...a beautiful purple crocus flower! I went to my flower bed and looked closely, how striking that purple flower looked upon a background of dreary tan and brown earth. I was so excited so I looked around the bed some more, there was another crocus bloom, this one white, just as striking as the purple one!

After I ran inside (got the juice!) & grabbed my camera this is what I took:

I couldn't help but think about Mother resilient she is, how perfect she is, how beautiful she makes things. Then I thought about the trees with buds on them, showing hope and promise of the new leaves to come forth, how the trees represented the circle of life...the dying of the leaves, the dormant period when they rest and then the growth of new leaves...our lives are kind of like that...we go through dormant periods where we aren't really living, just existing...then we pick ourselves back up, dust ourselves off & regrow new "leaves" beginnings, new opportunities, new hope. If we stop and pay attention, really pay attention Mother Nature can show us that through all hard times, through droughts, through floods, through bitter cold that in the end everything will be all right...the trees will regrow their leaves, the flowers will bloom once again...they will be here for just a short while, then die but She promises that come again next Spring they will return...what a wonderful, life-affirming thought!
Happy Spring!

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