Monday, February 23, 2009

Here is something I wrote last week when I was having a "feel sorry for Melanie" moment...

A Mother’s Blessing
By Melanie Trinkle

When I hear that loud toy being pressed over & over & over again I have to bite my tongue to say “Quit”…for that means I have ears to hear!
When I look down at my kitchen floor & I see dog hair tumble by or dirt from the muddy shoes someone didn’t take off at the door, I have to bite my tongue…for that means I have eyes to see!

When I finally get to sit down to eat my once hot but now cold dinner & sigh to myself I have to bite my tongue…for that means I have something to eat, even if it is cold!

When I am tired of all the housework, of all the laundry, of all the checking of homework I have to bite my tongue…for that means I have a home to live in, I have clothes to wear, & I have children, the greatest gift God has ever given me!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reflecting on the day I became a Mother

9 years ago today I had my first baby, a sweet tiny girl whom we named Samantha Rose...I liked Sydney, Daddy wanted can see who won! Despite the fact that she was 6 weeks early & just a small peanut (5 lbs 7.5 oz, 18.5 inches) she came out hollering & in that moment I knew she would be ok. The midwife had warned us of all the things that could be wrong or go wrong with her coming that early but in my heart when I heard that lusty, hearty cry I knew she was ok...& she was & would be.
She spent the 1st week of life in the NICU but I was there on a daily basis, doing as much as I could for her as they would allow...I was able to pump & it made me feel better knowing that even when I left her for the night I was going to be able to nourish her. When the day came for her to go home (Leap Day 2000) her Daddy & I were a basket of nerves...I still remember that trip home from the hospital, what normally took a half hour turned in to almost an hour but we got there safe & were ecstatic to bring Sammi home.
It is hard enough being first time parents but then you throw into the mix a preemie & a Daddy that was working third shift & well I was overwhelmed, overjoyed & exhausted all at the same time. I sometimes have to stop & pause to think how very teeny she was to now being not only one of the tallest in her class but also one of the smartest. I am in awe of God's miracles & the natural progression of life itself. The way that a tiny baby who I once held to my breast & fed is now reading at a fifth grade level...that the very baby I rocked in my lap now barely fits in it...that this wonderful person that came into my life is turning out exactly as I had imagined her to be...or at the very least had hoped she would be...thoughtful,intelligent, beautiful, & caring. It is funny, when Sammi was little I would always wish for her to "hurry up & grow up" I am feeling the opposite...slow down, slow down are growing up much too fast now!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Daddy/Daughter Dance

Tonight was the Brownie troop's annual Daddy/Daughter Dance (& dinner). I just looked at last years pictures versus this year & am almost in tears...when did my firstborn baby go & grow up on me?

Tomorrow she will be 9 years old but I already see her at 18 leaving the nest! Samantha Rose, you are growing into such a beautiful, intelligent, generous, loving girl...I am proud to be your Mom!

Thank you Ashlynn & Maya, Mommy doesn't have enough work to do!

Maya & Ashlynn (more so the middle child, I am sure of it!) decided that in order to get into the linen cabinet they must first remove all the towels...which they a pile...on the floor...every...single...flippin'...towel...we own! Now I must give the kids kudos (kudos for misbehaving???) because they didn't just PILE the towels, they proceeded to make a "campfire"...oh my girls!

So after I let them admire their hard work for a brief moment I proceeded to fold all the towels & put them nicely back into the linen cabinet...just as I had done once before! Ahhh the life of a Mommy!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Day the Flu Hit Mommy

So this post will be a "boo hoo", "whoa is me" one! I *knew* I was getting sick 2 days ago but with some extra water & rest I thought I was out of the woods...well this morning when I awoke I can tell you that I am not even near the edge of the woods!!!
My whole entire body ached like someone had assaulted me with a crow bar, the chills, the fever (don't know my exact temp as the thermometer died!), ugh! Then I realized that there was NO way dear hubby could stay home, he had a continuing ed class this I sucked it up as best as I could & so far have made it through the granted I haven't showered yet, I am still in pajamas as our the 2 little ones but who cares! I am counting down the minutes to when Daddy comes through the door & I can escape to my soft, cozy, heated bed! Oh the small joys in life!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
We are staying in, staying home & staying richer this year! After 3 kids & almost 10 years I don't need a fancy dinner to know he loves me, just rub my back & let me sleep in!
I have yet to get hubby anything, probably just a nice card & maybe some candy?
He already gave me my card & candle (with a candle warming plate!)...that might not sound too romantic but it is exactly what I wanted.
See I am not the average female that loves jewelry (waste of money!), purses (waste of money!), & fresh flowers (biggest waste of money EVER!) give me a potted plant that I can tend to, nurture & have for quite some time, that is great!
Can you believe that I acutally got MAD at dear hubby a couple months back when he brought home not one but TWO bouquets of fresh that might seem cold but I did tell him on several occasions that I do NOT like fresh flowers, they die, they are expensive, blah blah blah! He certainly understood me that night & knows to NOT bring them home!
I was thrilled with my gingerbread candle which he informed me, "Do you know how long it took me to find a candle scent that I knew you would like?"...20 he told me! I thanked him, told him he did great & that in future if he ever has doubts about scents for me stick to the vanilla, cinnamon, clove, pumpkin, ginger ones! I am certain he scribbled it on the memo pad in his brain! He really does try!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My 1st Entry!

This is so cool!
I have been wanting to start writing creatively for a long time but thought I didn't have anything interesting to share or write about...well I do!
The everyday things in life that drive me crazy will surely resonate with my a Mom & Wife I KNOW I am not the only one thinking or feeling like this...hopefully I can make you laugh, nod along, or inspire you!